Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

The Different Term Between Religion and Dien

The Different Term Between Religion and Dien
Submitted by: Fahad Aminudin

The definition of religion has defined in a wide variety of ways by an intellectuals, especially the orientalist intellectuals. Most definitions balance somewhere between overly sharp definition and meaningless generalities. Unfortunately the definitions of religion does not relevant with essential of religion. But instead, in fact it became complicated and accustomed. Some sources have tried to use formalistic, doctrinal definitions while others have emphasized experiental,emotive, valuational and ethical factors.
A religion is a set of stories, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural quality, that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to an ultimate power or reality. it may be expressed through prayer, ritual, meditation, music, and art, among other thing.[1]

The Meaning of Religion
Sosiologists and anthropologists tend to see religion as an abstract set of ideas, values, or experiences developed as part of a cultural matrix.[2]
Sigmun Freud, in Freud and The Problem of God said in The Future of an Illusion the idea of religion is not the mirror of experience or the final of our mind product, but an illusion. Satisfaction man’s hope of the older, the stronger, and the basely. [3] In a short word, he means the religion is an illusion of child.
Edward Burnett Tylor said, dawn of religion history is a belief in spiritual being. He expresses the religion through be faithful toward soul and spirit. All of spiritual being is a religion. Taylor’s idea of the spiritual being including the varieties of idol, evil, genies.[4] Then Islam is not the kind of religion, because there isn’t the worship toward Taylor’s idea of spiritual being in Islam.
And many more another definition of religion such makes the confusion. Because in an epistemologis the word of religion is interrelated with western history of religion.

The Meaning of “Dien”
There was more meaning of dien, Ahmad Musthofa al-Maroghi said:
أن الدين له في اللغة عدة معان منها الجزاء ,و الطاعة و الخضوع, و مجموعة التكاليف التي بها يدين العباد لله.[5]
So, there much definition of din: obedient, loyalty,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and faithful. Also in an Arabic dictionary, that the term of dien from dayana, [6] daana,[7] is millah, and Islam. according belief and faithful, confession orally, working by pillar or essential principle etc. Islam means to submit or surrender with a full realization of God. Man abandons his ego, his freedom, and surrenders himself before God completely. In all matters of life he obeys God’s commandments. He begins to lead a restrained life instead of permissive one, this is what is called Islam.[8]
Islam give a term of religion by arabic “din”. It is different with english term “religion”. Syed Muhammad naquib Al-Attas said, in an epistemologis the word of religion (english) is interrelated with western history of religion. The term of “din” from dayana, yudayinu, daynan[9], the meaning is debt or owe. Than all of person has obligatioan to pay their debt because every one has owed to worship, owed of life toward creator (Allah).[10]
Every creature must settle a debt, not by money. But with obedient, loyalty, be faithful and worship toward Allah. Then also din means to submit or surrender with a full realization of Allah. Man abandons his ego, his freedom, and surrenders himself before God completely. In all matters of life he obeys God’s commandments.[11]
Then din is natural not artificial, also not an illusion of child such as Freud’s idea, or a supranatural being like evil, idol, and genies etc such it’s Taylor’ idea.

Hans Kung, Sigmun Freud vis-à-vis Tuhan, translated by Edi Mulyono, IRCiSoD, Yogyakarta
Bustanudin Agus, Agama Dalam Kehidupan Manusia (Pengantar Antropologi Agama), PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2006
Ahmad Musthofa al-Maroghi, Tafsiir al-Maroghi, 1st volume, Darul-Fikr
Syihabuddin Abu Amr, al-Qomus al-Arobi ila al-Arobi, Darul-Fikr, Beirut-lebanon
Ibrahim Musthofa, ahmad hannun az-zait, hamid abdul qodir, Muhammad ali al-Najar, al-Mu’jam al-Wasiith, 1st volume, al-Maktabah al-Islamiyah, Istanbul, Turke
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Islam and Peace, goodword books, New Delhi, 1999

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion
[2] Sort paper “The Meaning of Religion” delivered at class
[3] Hans Kung, Sigmun Freud vis-à-vis Tuhan, translated by Edi Mulyono, IRCiSoD, Yogyakarta, 2001, page: 58
[4] Bustanudin Agus, Agama Dalam Kehidupan Manusia (Pengantar Antropologi Agama), PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2006, page: 120
[5] Ahmad Musthofa al-Maroghi, Tafsiir al-Maroghi, 1st volume, Darul-Fikr, page: 117-118
[6] Syihabuddin Abu Amr, al-Qomus al-Arobi ila al-Arobi, Darul-Fikr, Beirut-lebanon, page: 517
[7] Ibrahim Musthofa, ahmad hannun az-zait, hamid abdul qodir, Muhammad ali al-Najar, al-Mu’jam al-Wasiith, 1st volume, al-Maktabah al-Islamiyah, Istanbul, Turke, page: 307
[8] Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Islam and Peace, goodword books, New Delhi, 1999, page: 18
[9] Op.cit, al-Mu’jam al-Wasiith,  page: 307
[11] Op.cit, Islam and Peace, page: 18

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